Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mini Reunion in Paris Aptil 19-27, 2011

Hi all!

It's great that folks are starting to comment.  Angelia, thank you so much for finding that information about the parks.  If you could call or check the web-site for us, that would be great and thanks!  Kimberly, also thanks for posting the Siegfried & Roy agenda.  Maybe folks would like updates when you receive them.

Since Bally's set the date as July 30th and S&R is also that weekend,  some people have told me they feel it's best if we do it before so we don't interfere with their happenings.

(PLEASE NOTE:  our unofficial date has not been set.  I'm sorry if the previous blog about the Bally's date of July 30th was confusing.  BTW--info from inside sources tell me that they still have nothing more than the date!).

On Tuesday, April 19, Kimberly Shelton, Sara Honey and I will all meet up in Paris!   While we are there, we'll meet with current and past LIDO & Moulin Rouge dancers and their growing families.  We will surely be discussing the Jubilee! reunion.  I will have my SKYPE set up  (cpbeschel is how you find me), so if any of you would like to talk to us, we'd love to talk to you too!  One of the nights I will be spending with Bricky, when she's off from the LIDO and won't be on there, but the rest of the week you'll find us! 

I'm continuing to get input/info via FB, I'm still trying to get those folks to post their great ideas!  So, next time you think of sending me a note about the reunion, please think about posting it.  I appreciate all of you and will write to you from the original "City of Light" (although, I now think that title more aptly describes Vegas).  

Love to all,   Cindy/Cynthia

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jubilee! reunion: Bally's date set to July 30th

Hey all,

thanks to Donna's post on FB (head dresser), she mentioned the new Pier costumes for the 30th Anniversary, July 30th!  So, we have the date, even if was obtained in a round about way.

I assumed it would be then anyway from the few insiders I've talked to.  Again, it works for a few folks that have done both Jubilee! & Siegfried & Roy.  

So, let's start putting in our thoughts for things around that date.  For me, as a traveler, it's still cheaper to avoid the weekend, unless it's a Sunday, but of course, I realize that may not be possible.

I still think Holly's comment about having a BBQ sounds good.  Now, we just need someone on the Vegas side to find a place with a shelter and reserve it.  Any takers?  If we have to pay a reservation fee, of course we will split the difference.  

Honestly, I think the BBQ would be the best time.  It's casual, family will be there and we can just relax and not shout over slot machines or bar noise.  Anyone agree to that?  We could make that the MAIN EVEN, then those that want to go to the show that night or another can be arranged as well.  (That said, it'll have to be a Friday for those current folks??  Donna, Diane, Anthony, Brooke, Steve, Julie, etc.--KIMBERLY--please let us know when the BBQ is for S&R!)

Please make some suggestions!  I just see that as the most basic for everyone.  Hope to hear from you!  

Vacation is to all!  Cindy/Cynthia

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What's Next?

Bonjour a tous! 

The show was a success beyond all of our imaginations.  There is some bible verse that states: An Unexpected Adventure....forgive me, I suppose I could research which book it's from, but you get my idea.
Unfortuantely, very few photos turned out due to bad lighting, sigh.  I've posted a few on FB.

Tomorrow, Friday, we take off for San Antonio, Texas.  We'll be driving roughly 1,000 miles, one way.  We will be down there until April 15th and then we have to make a flying trip home so that I can leave for Paris by the 19th!  It's going to be tight since it will probably take 2-2.5 days to get back. 

I've sent Diane another mail for an update, but she's not responded.  Also, it's up in the air about whether or not I go to Ireland with Heaven & Earth.  Right now, the production is not slotted for dancers in the EU tour  but I'm working on that!  So, if I go, it'll be around the 3rd week of June.

Angelia mentioned that Golden Rainbow is end of June, but since she didn't post it  (take heed all those with great ideas but not posting them!), we didn't really get any feed back.  I don't mind doing it then, so we could watch Golden Rainbow as well, but until I get some feed back...!  As it would interfere with Ireland, I won't support end of June at this point unless it works for most.

I talked to Holly Dexter, who was talking to Michelle (can't spell her maiden name) Gaftoi and they were saying they should have a Jubilee! BBQ, she told Michelle to organize it, and so it never happened.  That seems to be the whole attitude.  Everyone wants something to happen, but no one wants to follow through.

I will be doing a bit more research (digging for info/gossip) on this road trip.  In Paris, I will have help from Kimberly and Sara and we will nail this puppy down!

Have a great weekend!  Love to all,  Cindy/Cynthia