Saturday, February 5, 2011

JUBILEE! turns 30

Hi folks!

Thanks for taking the time to join my blog.  My goal is to hear if people are wanting and willing to meet in Vegas for the reunion.  As I said on the first blog, doing it via Face Book is fine, but I also want people who are not on FB. 

PLEASE feel free to forward URL to anyone who is either not on FB or not friends with me.  Abby, thank you for suggesting that I find Mikey!  I'm sure there's other folks out there that I'm missing and I'm sure they'd appreciate being included anyway we can. This way, if people don't want to friend me, they can still partake in the dialogue with everyone else.  

There's a few people, like Robin, who isn't on FB and doesn't check her email regularly that I'm going to have to call or figure something else out.

Last year, it was a small group who gathered for dinner and then went to the show and then met afterward for drinks.  It was a great time and didn't involve any stress, that is my goal! 

I've spoken with Randy (backstage) and I've sent Diane an email, so I hope to hear some more details soon.  The few folks that I still know in the show, maybe you could shed some light! 

Enough for now, hope to hear from you!  Love, Cindy


  1. Thank you so much Cynthia... what a great idea! I have another idea. Let's go ahead and introduce ourselves so everyone knows "who's who". Preferably include the time you spent at "Jubilee!" and the line you were in, and perhaps a few facts about yourself...

    Okay, I will begin.

    Brooke Brown- formerly Brooke Opheim
    2003-2005- Bluebell
    2007-2008- Nude
    2008-Current- Principal Female Dancer
    * A little added info- I am the girl who married Anthony Brown (many of you will know him and not me:)

    Okay- now your turn! GO!

  2. Hi Cynthia,
    Thank you for starting this thread.
    We live in England but if the time was right then we would love to attend a reunion.
    Following on from Brooke (hi Brooke), I have put some details below....

    Rachel Davies Carpenter
    1983-1984 - Tall Nude & understudy
    1984-1986 - Principal Female Dancer

  3. Hi Rachel & Brooke!

    Thanks so much for being my first dancers to post something! Nice to meet you Rachel, it's so exciting to meet new dancers! Brooke, great idea to introduce ourselves! I was there '94-'97, like most girls, BB first, then tall nude. Brooke, I've actually known of you for years, since you were at the Lido after me, but we'd just never met, vis a vis, of course, Anthony too :-)

  4. Kimberly Shelton signing on
    Jubilee tall bluebell / short nude 94-96

    Had a great time last year getting together with Jubilee friends who we hadn't seen in a while. It will be fun to have a bigger group to celebrate Jubilee's 30th. Having been in the "real world" for a while, I find the addage "There are no people like show people" to be very true - and I miss you all very much!

  5. Hello ladies. Great idea and nice job Cindy on the blog! I'm Angelia. Maxwell was my last name during my stint in Jubilee. I was there from 1994~1996 in the bluebell line. I agree Kimberly, last year was great and there is nothing else in the "real world" to compare with the job and the friends made in showbiz! Looking forward to seeing old and meeting new friends. Cindy, as you can see, I used the appropriate Phyllis photo, lol.

  6. Hi All,

    I am Abby Apple. I was in the singers line back in hmmmm? I think it was 94 to 96. Mostly sang "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" alternating with Michal Hoyer every other week on that one and sang with Doug Voet and Mike Wallace typically. I would love to hook up with everyone for the 30th anniversary. The best months for me would be May, June and July. I hope the timing works out so I can be there. Live in Colorado now and it would be an easy trip to get to Vegas.

    Cynthia - Great idea to have the blog and will pass on to the other Jub friends that I know on FB as well.

    Can't wait to hear more about the details. Thanks!!!

  7. Hi Everyone,

    Paula Allen-Paley.


    I came into the cast of "Jubilee!" on June 27, 1997 as a Short Bluebell for 6 1/2 years, then a Short Nude & in 2005 I became a Principal Dancer.


  8. Hi, Dancers!

    Angela Tanhoff Vokac
    I was a short bluebell, with Jubilee from 1993-94. Thanks for doing this, Cynthia! I have many reunions this year; weekends are best for me so hubby can watch the kiddos. May looks good for me; June is out, July is pretty busy, too. I hope we can work something out. I'd love to see you!!!

  9. Kathryn Savage-Koehm
    I was a tall bluebell from 1991 - 1993/short nude from 1994 - 1996. Hope to see you all soon!
